We have asked U.S. experts on environmentalism to explain their understanding of current approaches to sustainable development taken in the U.S.

Read many more expert interviews on sustainability in our blog:

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Chris Steineger – Going Green in the U.S

Chris Steineger from the State of Kansas has extensive experience in governmental work. He served, among others, as Kansas State Senator from 1997 until 2013. Senator Steineger’s public policy focuses included early childhood education, health care restructuring to provide lower costs to employers and health coverage for all Kansans, energy resources which are sustainable, and consolidation of local government for efficiency and better decision making.

Shari Wilson – Going Green in the U.S.

Shari Wilson is an expert on education for sustainability. In 2012 she founded Project Central to provide services in the education, environment, and healthy communities fields. She has experience in advising schools on environmental policies and sustainable development. Her expertise in environmental education and green schools have made her a popular advisor at home in the U.S. and in other countries.

She says, "I like to work on projects that make a difference to schools, communities, and kids. I believe education is the greatest gift we can give the next generation, and that we all must be lifelong learners both to ensure our country's competitiveness and for our own happiness."

Jeff Watters – Going Green in the U.S. 

Jeff Watters is Associate Director of government relations for Ocean Conservancy, a national environmental organization dedicated to bringing people together to find science-based solutions for protecting the ocean and its wildlife. Prior to joining Ocean Conservancy in 2011, Jeff spent four years as legislative assistant to U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA), where he advised the senator on ocean and fisheries issues and staffed her chairmanship of the Senate Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries and Coast Guard. During the Our Ocean Conference, hosted by Secretary of State John Kerry, he visited Germany and we had a chance to talk to him: 

Please also visit the website for the current Our Ocean Conference 2019

Last modified: Thursday, 3 February 2022, 11:38 AM