How can my students enroll in our course?

There are two ways to enroll your students in the course:

  • self-enrollment with an enrollment key
  • manual enrollment by the teacher

Self-enrollment with an enrollment key
  1. Ask your students to create a user account by clicking on the link "create new account / lost password" and follow the link to create a new account. They have to read the privacy policies, click on "next" and "confirm" then enter the necessary items to create an account.
  2. Tell them the enrollment key for your course (you will receive it from our web administrator, Katja Krüger, via email).
  3. Once logged in, students can insert their school's name in the course search field on the title page. Alternatively, they can click on courses in the Sustainability tab or the U.S. Election tab, respectively. Your course will be named according to your school name, for example "BE | GG 19/20 | Heinrich-Schliemann-Gymnasium, 12" (i.e. the 12th-grade course at Heinrich-Schliemann-Gymnasium in Berlin participating in the Going Green 2019/20 project cycle).
  4. Upon clicking on the course link, students will be prompted to type in the enrollment key (see above).
  5. Your students can now access the course page. The enrollment key is only necessary once for the first registration.

Moodle documentation: self-enrollment 

Manual Enrollment by the teacher
  1. Ask your students to create an account following the instructions in our registration tutorial.
  2. In your course, go to the side block Administration, select UsersEnrolled Users.
  3. You will see a table with two users: yourself and "Going Green" (a pre-defined virtual teacher, used for trouble shooting by administrators etc.).
  4. Click on Enroll Users. In the list of authenticated users, look up your students individually and click on Enroll beside their name (this only works if students registered their accounts using their actual names).
  5. Click on Finish enrolling users. Your students are now enrolled in the course and can access the tasks and materials.
Moodle documentation: manual enrollment 


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