Allow me to add a few personal remarks.
I will be leaving the U.S. Embassy after 30 years of service the
end of this month. Part of my portfolio has been organizing teacher
seminars and other events meant to support the work you do in the
classroom when it comes to teaching about the U.S. It is a task I have
enjoyed immensely.
Together with Torben Schmidt and his team at Leuphana University
Lüneburg, Katja Krüger of Life e.V. Berlin and our former program
manager, now teacher, Joannis Kaliampos, we built the platform TeachAbout
that hosts our award-winning blended-learning project Going Green -
Education for Sustainability and the U.S. Embassy Election Project. They
have been a highlight in my career, and the cooperation with the team
behind them was most rewarding.
Together with you and numerous expert speakers, we have been
trying to develop a deeper understanding of the cultural and political
landscape of the United States of America. I would like to thank you for
supporting our common cause and for inspiring your students to "go
I hope you will continue to work with the materials we developed and with the team that is still in place.
Thank you for your engagement, wishing you all the best,
Dr. Martina Kohl