Newsletter January 2022
Dear Teachers,
Happy New Year! We wish you health and happiness for 2022.
Since the current situation doesn’t allow for in-person programs, we would like to alert you to programs we are planning virtually in January and February. Please join us together with your students!
1. Tuesday, January 25, 17:00-18:00 (virtual) A Q&A session with the Teach About US team on our award-winning project Going Green (in German and English)
Are you considering participating in our award-winning blended learning project Going Green – Education for Sustainability 2021-2022 in the second half of the school year? Have you already worked with the curriculum last year and would like to give us feed-back or ask about how to enter the competition at the end of the school year?
We will briefly talk about our plans to further develop the Going Green curriculum, explain how the project works and mainly answer your questions. Check out the Demo courses on https://www.teachaboutus.org/ and come prepared with questions and suggestions.
The project curriculum is taught entirely in English and designed for the English language classroom at German High Schools. Yet it can be taught across the curriculum and adapted to classroom work outside of Germany as well. Lesson plans and the individual modules have been developed to incorporate STEM content to attract participation of science teachers in Germany and the U.S. They can be taught throughout the school year in about four to six weeks or as a project week.

Please register here . You will receive a link to the event via e-mail.
2. Monday, February 14, 2022, 19:00 – 20:00 CET (virtual)

Cultivating Social Change Leadership: Learning from Black History about Building Bridges across Race, Ethnicity, and Religion
 (credits Katharina Dubno) |
Layli Maparyan, Professor & Chair of Africana Studies, Wellesley College and Aisha Camara, Moderator
What have key figures from U.S. Black History taught us about forging reconciliation across difference? How have Black women and men built bridges that cross not only race, but also ethnicity, nationality, religion, and other forms of difference? What does it take to build cultures of inclusion -- especially after histories of exclusion and violence? Lessons from historical figures -- past and more recent -- help us imagine and internalize practical ways for moving through conflicts that keep our societies stuck. We can all become change leaders by learning from these exemplars. We can compare notes across nations -- the U.S. and Germany -- in ways that advance our understanding and deepen our sense of shared endeavor.
Please register here. You will receive a link a few days prior to the event.
There will be more Black History Month programs that you might want to join. Keep an eye on our calendar on Teach About US.org.
And we’ll restart the Blog on TAUS in February with exciting input from a group of journalism students. Stay tuned!
With best regards on behalf of the Teach About US team,
Dr. Martina Kohl
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Teach About U.S. is a joint project of the U.S. Embassy Berlin, the U.S. Consulates in Germany, Leuphana University Lüneburg, and LIFE e.V.
Teach About U.S. is a proud recipient of the Germany – Land of Ideas Award 2015 and the Hans Eberhard Piepho Prize for Ideas in Communicative Language Teaching 2013.

(Edited by Katja Krüger - original submission Thursday, 6 January 2022, 10:04 AM)