February 17, 2015, Final call for feedback survey participation

February 17, 2015, Final call for feedback survey participation

by Joannis Kaliampos -
Number of replies: 0

Dear teachers,
I hope this e-mail finds you well. With this newsletter, I would like to inform you about the following topics:

We kindly ask all teachers who have participated in the project, used the tasks and materials in their classrooms, or used the platform indirectly for class preparation or discussions with colleagues to fill out our feedback survey. It is available at https://evasys.leuphana.de/evasys_02/online.php (TAN: goinggreen).
We thank all colleagues who have already provided their honest and constructive feedback. I would also like to emphasize that a high number of participants is crucial for a systematic evaluation and further development of the project.
The online survey will close on Saturday, February 28, 2015. Of course, all data collected in this survey are completely anonymous and are only processed in the context of the Going Green project evaluation. We greatly appreciate your support!
(Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Joannis Kaliampos, Lüneburg University, at Joannis.Kaliampos@leuphana.de or by phone at 04131.677-1662.)

As we already announced in our December newsletter, the Moodle platform with all task cycles and materials will remain online and open to all interested teachers and students. We invite all teachers and students to continue using these materials. Should you intend to set up a new online course, let’s say for a different learner group, please contact our Moodle specialist, Ms. Katja Krüger (LIFE e.V.), at krueger@life-online.de. Our colleagues at LIFE e.V. will continue to provide web-support for all teachers.

During the last few weeks we have received many encouraging and inspiring news from our participating schools. Many of you and your students were featured in local press releases or even radio reports. Some green projects even went viral on social media after the award ceremony last December. We are constantly updating the news review on www.goinggreen2014.org.
In this context we would also like to invite you and your students to feed our Going Green blog with guest reports from your schools. We know that your course schedules are tight, but maybe your students would be interested in participating – even outside class. Our blogger, Alexandra Magaard, is available to assist your students with language support, conduct interviews, or co-author blog posts.
Should you and your students be interested, please contact me directly to arrange a guest report.
As always, I wish you all the best on behalf of the Going Green team.

Joannis Kaliampos