Dear Subscriber,
This is our last newsletter before the summer break. But the Teach About US team won’t be idle. Over the next few months, we’ll be busy updating information and organizing the re-launch of Going Green for the new school year. In the meantime, should any of you want to make use of the Going Green curriculum for a project week or the final school weeks: my colleague at LIFE e.V., Katja Krüger will set up a virtual classroom for you, answer technical questions and give advice:
Looking ahead:
1. Reaching the Teacher Community: Please encourage your colleagues to register on and subscribe to receive this newsletter. They will find the link on the Homepage in the 'Quick Links' section. This will not just be the best way to learn about Going Green 2021/2022 but other events as well such as teacher seminars and lectures.
2. Going Green – Education for Sustainability 2021-2022: We are planning a major relaunch of Going Green for the new school year. We’ll be joined by the German-American Institute in Tübingen and the Amerikahaus Munich together with the German-American Institute Nürnberg that help us expand our network in the regions:
· The team at the German-American Institute Tübingen will continue its pilot project “Baden-Württemberg meets California” that was so generously supported by the Baden-Württemberg Staatsministerium and implemented by all German-American institutes in that Bundesland. The U.S. Embassy is continuing the funding with a grant. If you are based in Baden-Württemberg, please get in touch with program manager Sophia Kummler at the g.a.i.
· We are supporting the team at the Amerikahaus Munich that together with the German-American Institute Nürnberg will reach out to Bavarian schools to “go green” and possibly connect them with schools in Georgia, the sister state of Bavaria. Please contact Sarah Martin and Ines Jaehnert via and check out the info for teachers here.
Our colleagues at the Transatlantic Outreach Program (TOP) in Washington D.C. will also be part of Going Green again, and with their help we hope to be able to facilitate more school partnerships.
I will post the program of a teacher seminar scheduled as a kick-off for Going Green for late September (28th or 29th - tbd. shortly) on TeachAboutUS soon. You will also receive an invitation after the summer break. The seminar will introduce our new program manager at Leuphana University Lüneburg, feature an overview of the Going Green curriculum as well as an expert speaker on related green issues.
3. Other events that might interest you: For those of you who have participated in the U.S. Embassy School Election Project and are curious about the Biden administration’s agenda and related developments in the U.S., please join us for the following virtual discussions on June 10 and June 24:
No need to register. Here’s the direct link:
Join the program on June 24 directly
via this link:
Passwort: Wx8x47ME2Cv
4. Meet US program
Many of you know our Meet US program. It offers informal discussions for your students with Americans on a broad range of U.S.-related topics. While we hope that in-person visits to your schools will soon be possible again, our American speakers are also happy to join your classes for virtual discussions. For more information on the Meet US program and contact information of the Meet US coordinator in your region, please check out our website:
On behalf of the Teach About US team I wish you a relaxing and beautiful summer!
Dr. Martina Kohl