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UPDATE // Feb 27, 2020 |
Dear Colleagues,
The second semester of the school year is upon us and while exciting things are happening in our Going Green project across Germany and the U.S., we’re already preparing for the upcoming U.S. Embassy School Election Project 2020.
In this newsletter, we’d like to inform you about upcoming teacher training seminars in your region, so get engaged, sign up for an event near you, and help us spread the word!
For our teachers in Baden-Württemberg and California; there's a special new project: Going Green: Baden-Württemberg meets California!
To receive timely updates on school projects and upcoming event, give us a "thumbs up" on Facebook: Teach About U.S. on Facebook.
Joannis Kaliampos on behalf of the Teach About U.S. Team and Partners
As Americans are launching the primary season in the run-up for the Presidential election 2020, we are getting ready for the U.S. Embassy School Election Project. Though this year’s project format will be similar to the previous project cycles, we are in the process of adding cutting-edge pedagogical approaches and educational technologies. Our Facebook site and the Teach About U.S. Blog will accompany the Moodle course environment.

What’s important now:
- Registration is open now – sign up now for the project
- Classroom materials from the 2016 project are available online; the 2020 curriculum is currently being developed and will become available before the summer holiday.
- We have received the first notifications from U.S. schools who want to be connected to a German partner. Contact us if you are a German teacher and interested starting a transatlantic cooperation.
- If you are an American teacher wanting to be matched with a German partner, pls. contact the Transatlantic Outreach Program (or view our info page for U.S. teachers).
Teacher trainings will be offered near you starting in March until June. They typically feature a lecture by an American elections expert and an introduction to the project by a Teach About U.S. representative. Teacher trainings are typically three hours long.
See the teacher training dates and registration info at the end of the newsletter.

Project registration is open now!
More information on the project, how to participate, how it works, sample materials, results from 2016, and registration for 2020:
The Going Green project is running with currently over two dozen courses across Germany working on the online curriculum and its sister projects, Power to the People and Humboldt 250. Consider making the project part of your curriculum during the second part of the school year, explore creative and hands-on activities on sustainable development in your community, and get in touch with us if you would like to find a transatlantic partner school for your project participation.
This school year’s deadline to participate in the national Going Green school competition is May 31, 2020.
As announced in December, the German-American Institute (DAI) in Tübingen, together with their colleagues in Freiburg, Stuttgart, and Heidelberg, are partnering with Teach About U.S. for a special initiative on connecting classrooms in Baden-Württemberg and California! Going Green: Baden-Württemberg meets California celebrates and extends the recently founded partnership between both states. This Going Green ‘sister project’ is generously funded by the Baden-Württemberg Staatsministerium and implemented by the German-American institutes in Baden-Württemberg.

What you need to know:
- There will be two project iterations with special prizes for participants in both states (March-June; September-December)
- Participants can enter both the national and the Baden-Württemberg/California competition
- Teacher training workshops will be offered March 5-10 (see below)
- DAI Tübingen will try to partner you with a school in California
- Registration deadline for the spring: March 10, 2020
Questions can be directed at us or directly at Sarah Taylor at the GAI Tübingen.
More information on Going Green in BaWü and CA:
Going Green - Baden-Württemberg meets California
Sign up now, tell your networks, and bring a colleague!
Stuttgart - Going Green: Baden-Württemberg meets California Thursday, 5 March, 17:00 » 20:00
Heidelberg - Going Green: Baden-Württemberg meets California Friday, 6 March, 17:00 » 20:00
Tübingen - Going Green: Baden-Württemberg meets California Monday, 9 March, 17:00 » 20:00
Freiburg - Going Green: Baden-Württemberg meets California Tuesday, 10 March, 14:30 » 17:30
U.S. Embassy School Election Project
Please note that for some of these events, the programs have not been finalized and/or times and venues have not been determined yet.
If you live in the vicinity of these events, please save the date and wait for further updates through our newsletter and website and notifications by our cooperation partners on-site.
Berlin - Teach About the USA Wednesday, 11 March, 09:00 » 16:00
Chemnitz - Teach About the USA Wednesday, 18 March, 9:00 AM » 3:15 PM
Rostock - Teach About the USA Friday, 20 March, 9:00 AM » 3:45 PM
Saarbrücken - Teaching the U.S. Election Monday, 18 May, 2:30 PM » 5:30 PM (tbc)
Düsseldorf - Teaching the U.S. Election Tuesday, 19 May, time tbd
Wiesbaden - Teaching the U.S. Election Wednesday, 20 May, time tbd
Nürnberg - Teaching the U.S. Election (vocational school teachers) Monday, 25 May, 2:00 PM » 4:30 PM
Halle - Teaching the U.S. Election Tuesday, 26 May, 2:00 PM » 4:00 PM
Sachsen (in planning) - Teaching the U.S. Election Wednesday, 27 May, time tbd
Lüneburg - Teaching the U.S. Elections Monday, 8 June, 3:00 PM » 6:15 PM
Kiel - Teaching the U.S. Elections Tuesday, 9 June, 3:00 PM » 7:00 PM
Hamburg - Teaching the U.S. Elections Wednesday, 10 June, 3:00 PM » 6:00 PM
Potsdam - Teacher student workshop on the U.S. elections Friday, 12 June, 4:45 PM » 7:15 PM
Speyer - Teaching the U.S. Elections Monday, 15 June, 10 AM » 1:30 PM
Dillingen - Teaching the U.S. Elections Tuesday, 16 June, afternoon (time tbd)
München - Teaching the U.S. Elections Monday, 22 June, 2:00 PM » 6 PM (tbc)
Bavaria (in planning) - Teaching the U.S. Elections Tuesday, 23 June, time tbd
Nürnberg - Teaching the U.S. Elections Wednesday, 24 June, time tbd
We would like to thank our partners on-site for hosting these events!
Lea Meimerstorf has interviewed a family in Pennsylvania, the Morgans, and is reporting about their everyday attempts at 'going green'. This mini-series comes with vocabulary annotations and discussion questions, ready for you to make this part of your lessons.
Meet the Morgans and their most ambitious climate change solutions
Meet the Morgans - What does it mean to live a sustainable life for you?
Meet the Morgans - Amazon vs. Sustainability
Meet the Morgans - The real American diet
Meet the Morgans - The truth about traveling in the U.S.
Meet the Morgans - How to build a sustainable home
Meet the Morgans—How one American family is going green
Joannis Kaliampos Educational Project Manager Leuphana Universität Universitätsallee 1, 21335 Lüneburg Fon +49 (0)4131.677-1662, Email, Web
Teach About US is a joint project of the U.S. Embassy Berlin, the U.S. Consulates in Germany, Leuphana University Lüneburg, and LIFE e.V.
Teach About US is a proud recipient of the Germany – Land of Ideas Award 2015 and the Hans Eberhard Piepho Prize for Ideas in Communicative Language Teaching 2013.
