Newsletter // Dec. 16, 2015
Dear Subscriber,
What a week for all those committed to going green: As elected leaders and environmentalist activists met last week in Le Bourget, France, representatives of 195 (one-hundred-and-ninety-five!) nations reached a landmark accord that, for the first time, will commit nearly all countries involved to lowering their greenhouse gas emissions in an international approach to combat climate change. While the consequences of this agreement remain to be seen, we are confident that Going Green is targeting an issue that is of highest relevance. Below you will find this month’s Teach About US newsletter, the last one in 2015. This year has been incredibly exciting for us with numerous green action plans having been realized by you and your students. We know that none of our accomplishments would have been possible without you. Now, we’re looking forward to an eventful year 2016 with two school projects and wish you and your students a joyous holiday season and a very happy New Year!
Joannis Kaliampos on behalf of the Teach About US Team and Partners
Joannis Kaliampos Leuphana Universität | Scharnhorststr. 1 | 21335 Lüneburg Fon +49 (0)4131.677-1662 | E-Mail | Web
This newsletter’s topics at a glance:
Going Green update
This school term’s Going Green project cycle is picking up the pace. As of December, over 250 students and teachers have been registered on the Teach About US platform and have engaged with Going Green materials. We expect that the most active phase of the school project will be during the first months of 2016 before Earth Day. It's not too late to plan and launch the project in your classes.
Students from Frankfurt participate in COP21 youth meeting
One of the most exciting developments in the project so far has come from our participants at Max-Beckmann-Schule in Frankfurt. Teacher Theresa Hartmann and her students of English course 11B were invited to participate in a panel discussion on Youth Engagement on Climate Change, organized by the U.S. Department of State as part of the COP21 in Le Bourget, France. Besides being allowed to contribute their own questions to the panel, the students were visited by Consul General Jim Herman, who discussed with them ways to act on climate change. Listen to the whole story in this More987FM.com radio report.
Students of Max-Beckmann-Schule in Frankfurt participated in a youth panel on climate change, hosted by the U.S. Department of State at the COP21 in Le Bourget, France. (photo credit: More987FM.com)
Final Going Green student conferences scheduled for April 18, 2016
Finally, we are now able to confirm that the final Going Green student conferences will take place on April 18, 2016 (not on April 22, as previously announced). These events will be held in
- Berlin (hosted by the U.S. Embassy and Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung),
- Düsseldorf (hosted by the U.S. Consulate General Düsseldorf and the Schulministerium NRW), and
- Wiesbaden (hosted by the U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt and the Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Hessen).
We will post more information regarding program schedules and registration soon.
Going Green resources course online
Besides the regular Going Green e-classroom with ready-made tasks and teaching notes and the Going Green Light Teacher's Handbook and Materials in PDF format, the Going Green resources e-classroom (with guest access) is the final addition to the Going Green curriculum. This is a simple overview of all links and resources used in the regular Going Green e-classroom. It is structured identically, but consists of web-links only. It might be of use for those of you who need to look up specific materials but cannot remember their exact location. (You will also find the course in under the "Going Green Courses" tab in the category "Preview".)
U.S. Embassy School Election Project 2016: Participate in upcoming teacher trainings
While Going Green is still in progress, we are getting ready for another major school project in 2016: The U.S. Embassy School Election Project 2016. With this project, we are continuing the success of the 2012 Election Project, where some 1,400 students in over 100 courses engaged in the project―and found out precisely what issues and procedures would decide the election. The results proved that our students had done their homework: Their predictions were even more accurate than many nationally broadcast polls. More information about the project will follow in January and will be posted on Teach About US.
Upcoming Teacher Training Seminars
In a series of teacher training seminars starting in March 2016, the project team will introduce you and your colleagues to the effective use of online learning tools and the Teach About US platform in your classes. American experts will brief you on the mysteries of the election process, issues, candidates, campaigns and the role of the media. The following dates have been confirmed. Join us for these events and explore how you and your students can become part of the project:
- 03/01/2016 | Chemnitz:
Lecture Series on the U.S. Presidential Elections 2016, with Paul Rundquist, Christianna Stavroudis, Torben Schmidt
- 03/03/2016 | Nürnberg:
Lecture Series on the U.S. Presidential Elections 2016, with Paul Rundquist, Christianna Stavroudis, Torben Schmidt
- 03/11/2016 | Berlin:
Lecture Series on the U.S. Presidential Elections 2016, with Paul Rundquist, Christianna Stavroudis, Joannis Kaliampos
- 03/18/2016 | Rostock:
Lecture Series on the U.S. Presidential Elections 2016, with Paul Rundquist, Christianna Stavroudis, Joannis Kaliampos
- 09/2016 (date tba) | Nürnberg:
U.S. Embassy Teacher Academy, "The U.S. Presidential Election 2016", with the Teach About US Team
More information and updates also available directly on Teach About US.
From our Teach About US Blog
Thanks for Subscribing
The team at Teach About US wants to extend a hearty 'thank you' to all of our wonderful teachers, students, and readers. You've made the Teach About US community shine, and we want to keep that going! If you're not a regular just yet visit the Teach About US website for some exciting student projects, fun and interactive teaching resources on politics and sustainability in the U.S., and much more! |