August 15, 2014 | Launch of the Goin Green 2014 Moodle Preview

August 15, 2014 | Launch of the Goin Green 2014 Moodle Preview

by Joannis Kaliampos -
Number of replies: 0

Dear teachers,
As announced in the previous newsletter, we are now happy to launch the preview of the Going Green 2014 Moodle course! Visit the platform at and briefly register as a user. Once your registration is complete, you will have access to the preview e-classroom and the Virtual Town Hall:

Preview e-classroom (enrolment key: GG14classroom)

The preview e-classroom is a copy of the e-classroom that you and your students will be given for the project. It contains all learning and support materials, links, and task-cycles that you will also find in your personal e-classroom. It has three general chapters: (1) What is sustainability?, (2) Exploring the challenges (with four optional subchapters), and (3) Your sustainability action plan. In addition, chapter (4) Tips, Resources, and Tools contains additional resources that you can consult as needed. At the top of each chapter you will also find a link called “TEACHING NOTES” with more in-depth information and rationales for the tasks in this particular chapter.

Virtual Town Hall (enrolment key: GG14townhall)

The Virtual Town Hall is the platform’s meeting point, which all Going Green participants can access. It offers the opportunity to present your course, organize course partnerships, contact the team of Going Green experts, participate in the Going Green student competition, and find many more helpful resources.

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