Your Going Green Participation // Apr. 26, 2019

Your Going Green Participation // Apr. 26, 2019

by Joannis Kaliampos -
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Your Going Green Participation

UPDATE // Apr. 26, 2019

Going Green competition

Dear Colleagues,

This school year's Going Green project cycle, including our porject week "Power to the People", is entering its final month. We are currently seeing a lot of activities happening on our Moodle platform and some of you have kept us posted about your offline activities in your communities. With this message we'd like to remind you that there are 30 days left to participate in our school competition. The deadline to submit your local action plans is May 26, 2019.

We welcome all student projects that emerge from the Going Green project participation in all formats, including online videos, community actions, social media campaigns, and many more. We want your ideas, whether they are small or big.

Do you, or your students, need some inspiration? Take a look at the 60+ action plans from previous years showcased on Teach About U.S. Read more...

Competition entries can be submitted electronically in the Vitual Town Hall by you or one student representative in your course. 

Are you unsure how to implement your plan or submit it digitally to our competition? Contact me directly or check out our FAQ section. We're happy to assist you. 

You can't make the deadline? Alternatively, you can also submit your project at a later point for consideration in next school year's competition. 

The Teach About U.S. team is looking forward to your ideas and action plans!

Joannis Kaliampos
on behalf of the Teach About US Team and Partners
You are receiving this email because you have registered for the 2018/19 Going Green - Education for Sustainability Project


Joannis Kaliampos
Educational Project Manager
Leuphana Universität 
Universitätsallee 1, 21335 Lüneburg 
Fon +49 (0)4131.677-1662, Email, Web




Teach About US is a joint project of the U.S. Embassy Berlin, the U.S. Consulates in Germany, Leuphana University Lüneburg, and LIFE e.V.

Teach About US is a proud recipient of the Germany – Land of Ideas Award 2015 and the Hans Eberhard Piepho Prize for Ideas in Communicative Language Teaching 2013.