Teach About US Update // Oct. 10, 2017

Teach About US Update // Oct. 10, 2017

by Joannis Kaliampos -
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Teach About US Update // Oct. 10, 2017

Get Involved! We're offering several Teacher Training seminars throughout Germany and new Going Green contents will go online soon.

Teach About US Update // Oct. 10, 2017


Dear Subscriber,

We have been and still are busy with teacher training seminars in several German cities – Nürnberg (Sept. 24 and Oct. 10), Stuttgart, Freiburg (Oct. 10), Düsseldorf (Oct. 11) and Hamburg (Oct. 12). Speyer is still to follow on October 26/27. The Berlin event on October 6 was heavily impacted by storm Xavier because public transportation was not running regularly – if at all that day. So we are thinking about setting up another hands-on seminar for teachers from Berlin and Brandenburg. Stay tuned.

Going Green is currently underway in its fourth installment. We are adding more contents to the Going Green curriculum (see below). The current project cycle will continue until spring (2018) and we will conclude the project again with a student competition for outstanding action plans to 'go green'. (Exact dates will be announced through this newsletter.) To learn more about Going Green and preview online classroom materials, click here.

Sign up for the project! (You must be logged in with your Teach About US account.)

Adding STEM contents to the Going Green curriculum

We have made progress on adding STEM/MINT content to the already existing Going Green module on Plastics and will go “live” next week. Students will approach the eco-challenge from two viewpoints: that of an investigative journalist (language focus) and that of a scientist (research focus):


Going Green project week on renewable energy sources

We have also worked intensively on the project week which will focus on renewable energy sources. Students are asked to investigate the energy infrastructure in their communities, understand the science behind renewable energies, and develop a concept for their communities’ future energy supply. Here is a preview of the project week structure:

It is our goal to bridge the English and Science classrooms and expand the Going Green pool of participants here in Germany and in the US. Since this is work in progress and we rely on input from you, the practitioners, we ask for your cooperation:

We would very much like to pilot the new curriculum with engaged teachers and students. If you are interested in working closely with Team Lüneburg to test the project week, please let us know (simply reply to this newsletter) and we will get in touch with you to discuss details.

For now we would like to encourage you to work with the already existing, tested and successful teaching modules on our website. Please sign up and let us know that you will be participating either this year or in the first quarter of 2018. We would also like to match more German and American schools to inspire transatlantic cooperation.

We need to set dates for final events and can only do that if we know who plans to be part of the competition. So your participation is crucial. Get involved!

Dr. Martina Kohl and the Teach About US Team
   Joannis Kaliampos
   Leuphana Universität | Scharnhorststr. 1 | 21335 Lüneburg

   Fon +49 (0)4131.677-1662 | E-Mail | Web


From our Teach About US Blog

Recent posts
Our  bloggers report about green developments and challenges in the US. Read on in their blog posts and use these texts in your classes.
  by Tobias Luthe
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