Teaching principles

German curricula

Our target group

Going Green is designed for a target group of intermediate-advanced English learners in grades 10 and above of the German Gymnasium. Yet, our experience shows that younger learners as well as participants at vocational and other secondary schools can work with the curriculum. Our survey of the 16 state curricula for English underlines that sustainability/environmentalism and the cultural framework of the U.S. are represented in all parts of Germany. The overview below lists different points of departure for integrating Going Green teaching contents in regular classes.

Adjusting the curriculum

The suggested curriculum can be easily adapted to different contexts and target groups. Think of it as an invitation to incorporate new teaching and learning resources into your classes as well as a strong connection to learning with digital media and authentic resources. For more tips, read the FAQs on this topic. 

German EFL curricula for the upper secondary level (Sek. II)


T = Themenbereich/-schwerpunkt; Q = Thema in der Qualifikationsphase; Zahl = Angabe des Halbjahres (sofern vorgegeben)


T: Chancen & Probleme soz. Wandels & der Globalisierung; T: zeitgenössisches öffentliches Leben & politische Kultur d. USA; u.a.m.


T: Umwelt, Natur, Wissenschaft und Technik


Q3: Eine Welt—Globale Fragen; Q4: Herausforderung der Gegenwart


Q3: Eine Welt—Globale Fragen; Q4: Herausforderung der Gegenwart


T1: Universelle Themen der Menschen; T2: Aktuelle Lebenswirklichkeit i. d. anglophon. Welt


T2: Politische & soziale Themen der Gegenwart; T2: Universelle Themen der Menschheit


Q1: The Challenge of Individualism (USA, Science & Technology); Q4: The Global Challenge


Q3: Eine Welt—Globale Fragen; Q4: Herausforderung der Gegenwart


T1: Beliefs, values & norms in Western societies: T5: Globalisation; T6: Science & technology


T1: Erschließung von Alltagswirklichkeiten; T4: Themen & Inhalte von globaler Bedeutung


T4: Naturwissenschaften—Technologie—Ökologie,


Q1: Aspects of society; Q2: Science, technology, ecology


T: „sich positionieren zu Contemporary Issues in Politics and Society: science and technology, environment”; u.a.m.


T: The American Way of Life; T: Challenges of Our Time;


T4: Erhalt der natürlichen Lebensgrundlage; T5: Strukturwandel


T2: People in Society; T3: Politics & Economy; T4: Environment, Science, Technology