Progressive approaches to sustainability can be found in particular on the local level in cities and towns that commit to green reform policies. Many experts argue that, in fact, the cities in the U.S. can be regarded as policy laboratories for potential national approaches. Solutions that prove to be successful in communities and attract support of the population can become models for state and national policies.
1. Review the materials below and add criteria of green cities to your list from the warm-up task.
Here are some guiding questions:
You can either produce a digital poster or design a regular paper-and-pencil poster. For a digital collage poster, we suggest you use the simple photo collage maker Fotor or PowerPoint ( save presentation as PDF).
Video Alstom: What is an eco-city? |
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Text Linstroth, Tommy & Bell, Ryan (2011): Local Governments Take the Lead on Climate. In: eJournal USA 16: 2 (Issue: Climate Action Goes Local). Pp. 38-9. |
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Text Infographic Earth Day Network: Learn about green cities |
Take a look at these optional materials:
Video Transcript Jeff Speck: The walkable city |
Electric vehicles have a lot of advantages. However, electromobility is still improvable. Have a look at the links below, make a list of advantages and disadvantages and explain how companies and the government can contribute to the improvement of electromobility.
Text What you need to know about electromobility (July 2021) |
Text Electric cars are greener than petrol cars – but they’re far from perfect (September 11, 2020) |
Text Zusätzlicher Strombedarf hebelt Klimavorteile von E-Autos aus (June 19, 2020) |