Let's take a closer look at who Alexander von Humboldt was and what he did. In this section, you will find several videos about Humboldt, some are shorter, some longer. Pick one or two of them (or ask your teacher which one(s) you are supposed to watch).
Before viewing the videos, brainstorm what you already know about Alexander von Humboldt. What questions do you have about him? Write your ideas on the chalkboard or collect them in the course forum.
Split into 4 groups. Each group chooses one of the expert topics. Take detailed notes on what you learn about Humboldt in regard to your topic. If necessary, watch the video, or parts of it, more than once. Remember that you do not have to write complete sentences when taking notes.
Expert groups/topics:
Who was Alexander von Humboldt? (When did he live? Where did he come from? ...)
What do we learn about his expeditions? (Where? When? How long? How? Why?)
What did his work focus on and what are his achievements and discoveries?
What other aspects besides science and exploration did he achieve?
Afterwards, share your findings in class. Your teacher will let you know, how to do this.
(For example, you could do a jigsaw puzzle. Form new groups that each contain one person from the expert groups 1, 2, 3, and 4. Explain to the others what you found out in regard to your topic.)
In order to check your understanding, create five quiz questions about your topic in your expert groups.
Forum discussion. Collect your findings in the forum for this task, "Viewing notes on Alexander von Humboldt." Based on your results, how would you describe Humboldt – as a scientist, an explorer, ...?
Humboldt quiz. Using the quiz questions from the expert groups (see above), create a quiz for the whole class.
Jeopardy (optional). Instead of creating a paper-and-pencil quiz, you could also create a jeopardy game and play it with the entire class. While playing, you are not allowed to pick a question of your own expert topic!
Here you can learn how to create and play jeopardy.