This project week is a truly collaborative effort and was co-developed by English and Science scholars at Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany, and the Teach About US Team in Berlin. We are particularly grateful for the invaluable contributions by Prof. Dr. Simone Abels (Professor of Science Education), Sybille Hüfner (researcher and PhD candidate), and especially their assistants Heike Janz and Sarah Hoffmann. Together they developed the introductory science modules and contributed to the project week curriculum. We are also indebted to the many teachers who participated in the project week workshop at the U.S. Embassy Teacher Academy 2017 in Nürnberg and offered their expertise on an early prototype of this course. We are also grateful for the methodological and scientific advice by Adalbert Pakura of the Leuphana Freshmen Week team, and advice on the community and climate data offered by the Klimaschutzleitstelle für Hansestadt und Landkreis Lüneburg.
The following partners gave permission to use portions of their work in this course. We would like to thank:
The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Potsdam, Germany / section PIKee for designing and maintaining the platform KlimafolgenOnline and providing the research workshops used in the TASK: Exploring climate change impacts in your neighborhood
The Gelfand Center at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA and their SUCCEED program for the permission to adapt the FACT SHEETS: Renewable energy technologies. These materials were produced with support from the Center for Climate and Energy Decision Making (SES-0949710), through a cooperative agreement between the National Science Foundation and Carnegie Mellon University.
Dr. Kai Niebert Niebert (Professor for Science and Sustainability Education, University of Zurich, Switzerland) and Friedrich Verlag for the permission to adapt the task cycle TASK: The bathtub experiment from the publication: Niebert, K. (2017). Den Klimawandel bremsen lernen. In U. Kattmann (Ed.), Biologie unterrichten mit Alltagsvorstellungen – Didaktische Rekonstruktion in Unterrichtseinheiten (pp. 92–105). Seelze: Friedrich Verlag.
LEIFI Physik ( and the Joachim Hertz Stiftung for permission to use the Text "Energiebegriff" in the TASK (a) What do we mean by 'energy' ( in German)
The Leuphana University Opening Week for their permission to adapt their worksheet for the TASK: Define the problem.