Humboldt-Demo 2023: All participants
- Forum Announcements
1. What makes a global citizen?
- Assignment What makes a global citizen?
- Feedback How do you define a global citizen?
- Forum Defining global citizenship
- Lightbox Gallery What do these things have in common?
- Feedback SECTION 1: Self-reflection
2. Alexander von who...?
- Assignment Alexander von Who...?
- Forum Viewing notes on Alexander von Humboldt
- Feedback SECTION 2: Self-reflection
3. Humboldt's many hats
- Assignment Humboldt's many hats
- Folder Excerpts from A. Wulf, 'The Invention of Nature'
- Feedback SECTION 3: Self-reflection
4. A true global citizen?
- Assignment Alexander von Humboldt – a true global citizen?
- Assignment Humboldt and YOU (class project)
- Feedback SECTION 4: Self-reflection