***CANCELLED Rostock - Teach About the USA
Unfortunately, the teacher training in Rostock had to be cancelled. If you signed up for this event, the organizers will get in touch with you. We apologize for any inconvenience resulting from this cancellation.
This event is part of the U.S. Embassy School Election Project 2020. »More information

Content: The program will feature talks on the U.S. election and a workshop previewing the U.S. Embassy School Election Project 2020
More information and registration: The event is organized by the U.S. Embassy Berlin, in cooperation with the the University of Rostock and our local partners.
Nadja Borowski (ehem. Wieland), IQMV, SSA Rostock (n.wieland@iq.bm.mv-regierung.de)
Astrid Eisenhardt, IQMV, SSA Schwerin & Rostock (a.eisenhardt@iq.bm.mv-regierung.de)