Earth Day 2019 at the IHK Frankfurt
Earth Day 2019 at the IHK Frankfurt
Title: Save our Species – Artenschutz geht alle an!
Frankfurt a.M. – Monday, April 29 | 10:00 – 14:00
IHK Frankfurt am Main, Börsenplatz 4, 60313 Frankfurt a.M.
Contact:Luise Riedel | IHK Frankfurt am Main | Tel. (069) 2197-1480 | l.riedel@frankfurt-main.ihk,de
Content:This year’s Earth Day will focus on the growing importance of biodiversity for our ecosystem and for our economy. We rely on the preservation of natural resources; hence, a change of eco-political decisions is much-needed. We want to discuss how important and challenging the protection of species is as well as how it is connected to climate change. In addition, we will take a look at initiatives of businesses and students.
Earth Day Germany, in cooperation with the IHK Frankfurt am Main and the U.S. Consulate General, will be hosting this event in Frankfurt. Schools participating in the Going Green project from Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz, and Baden-Württemberg will receive a separate invitation from our colleagues at the U.S. Consulate Frankfurt. There will be an opportunity to present student projects and ongoing activities regarding Going Green. For inquiries, pls. contact Joannis Kaliampos.
Costs:free of charge (Participaton by invitation only!)
Registration:Please, register yourself and accompanying persons via this link: Frankfurt Earth Day 2019.
Monday, April 29, 2019
10:00 – Greeting remarks (Luise Riedel, IHK Frankfurt and David Elmo, Deputy Principal Officer of the U.S. Embassy)
10:15 – “Wie hängen Artenschutz und Klimawandel zusammen?” (Dr. Christoph Schenck, Zoologische Gesellschaft Frankfurt)
11:00 – “Die Plattform “Unternehmen biologische Vielfalt 2020” (UBI 2020) – Wie Unternehmen für biologische Vielfalt aktiv werden“ (Dr. Katharina Mohr, UNI-2020-Kontaktnetzwerk of the DIHK Service GmbH)
11:45 – “Global Protection of Biodiversity – The Intended and Unintended Consequences of International Agreements. What Next?” (Dr. Amber Hartman Scholz, Deputy Principal of the Leibniz Institute DSMS – Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH)
12:10– “Grüne Firmengelände: Klimapassung, Artenschutz und Imagegewinn in Einem“ (Lara-Maria Mohr, Umweltamt Stadt Frankfurt a.M.)
12:30 – 3 schools present their Going Green projects.
13:00 – Collective lunch